colonel gaddafi death: analysis of gaddafi's reign; tx 10.4.2011 slow motion gaddafi waving fists with photographers in the foreground - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage00:10Colonel Gaddafi death: analysis of Gaddafi's reign
colonel gaddafi press conference:; libya: tripoli: int muammar gaddafi to mikes man in uniform beside him: khaddafi sits in chair: khaddafi: cms... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage02:14Colonel Gaddafi press conference:
colonel gaddafi interviewed by trevor mcdonald: part one; interview part 5 of 7 libya / tunisia border: int / tent colonel gaddafi interview with... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage03:34RUSHES: Colonel Gaddafi interviewed by Trevor McDonald: Part One
colonel gaddafi speech at tunisian border; libya / tunisia border: ext / dusk crowd with placard with picture of colonel gaddafi / colonel gaddafi... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage04:58RUSHES: Colonel Gaddafi speech at Tunisian border
aquila: colonel gaddafi taking seat at g8 summit - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage00:12Controversial visit by Welsh brass band for Gaddafi parade; Controversial visit by Welsh brass band for Gaddafi parade
; b: libya: tripoli: ext gv corrugated iron shacks people preparing to move: women in shanty town zoom in: old man: cms child: kettle handed up to... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage03:20Tripoli situation:
dozens of people were injured in clashes in benghazi, a hospital in the eastern city said wednesday, as libya braced for a 'day of anger' on thursday... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage02:12CLEAN: Stockshots of Colonel Moamer Kadhafi
muammar gaddafi and family and guests relax and play at gaddafi's seaside compound in tripoli / gaddafi walks along the beach, talks to children /... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage01:42Muammar Gaddafi Home Movies - Family and friends relaxing at the beach
colonel gaddafi interview; libya: tripoli: ext tracking shot along road tracking shot through street colonel muammar al-gaddafi standing in steet and... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage02:22Attempted coup: Colonel Gaddafi interview
malta hijack; inj2125b 22.12.84 itn libya: tripoli: tms colonel moammer khadafi seated at pkf zoom in - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage00:08Malta hijack
colonel gaddafi death: analysis of gaddafi's reign; tx 22.3.1976 tripoli: shots of gaddafi atop vehicle waving to crowds burning slums - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11Colonel Gaddafi death: analysis of Gaddafi's reign
muammar gaddafi; libya: tripoli av colonel khadafi l-r down steps to balcony waving and soldier follows military tbv mass crowd waving green & blue... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage01:15Muammar Gaddafi
colonel gaddafi speech at tunisian border; libya / tunisia border: ext / dusk / night colonel gaddafi speech sot / gaddafi sitting and chatting with... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage04:49RUSHES: Colonel Gaddafi speech at Tunisian border
colonel gaddafi has tonight made a public appearance alongside south african president jacob zuma. mr zuma rrived in tripoli as part of a delegation... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage02:33Colenel Gaddafi makes Public Appearance in Tripoli
colonel gaddafi has made his latest speech in tripoli. sky news reporter lisa holland was in the room to watch it. colonel gaddafi addresses... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage01:51Colonel Gaddafi addresses Parliament
colonel muammar gaddafi waving to press as arriving at g8 summit italian prime minister silvio berlusconi, nicolas sarkozy , dmitri medvedev , barack... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage01:47G8 Summit ends / Colonel Gaddafi meets Barack Obama and Gordon Brown; G8 Summit ends / Colonel Gaddafi meets Barack Obama and Gordon Brown
tunisian president zine el abidine ben ali accompanies gaddafi to an auditorium for a presentation. - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage02:39Muammar Gaddafi Home Movies - Visit to Tunisia
arms find / colonel gaddafi; northern ireland: int cms soviet rpg7 rocket launcher displayed ext cms rpg7 barrel tip held moved to side libya: ext... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage01:13Arms find / Colonel Gaddafi
tony blair mp along to shake hands with libyan leader colonel moammar gaddafi then along to sit down gaddafi sitting pull out blair & gaddafi... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage02:06Tony Blair meets Colonel Gaddafi
prime minister tony blair talks about his historic meeting with colonel muammar gaddafi shots of handshake spectators and blair at podium libya ; 25... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage00:34Prime Minister Tony Blair talks about his historic meeting with Colonel Muammar Gaddafi shots of handshake spectators and Blair at podium Libya ; 25 Mar 04
tony blair meets colonel gaddafi; libya: tripoli: ext gvs tony blair mp sitting with colonel muammar gaddafi from distance / tony blair mp sitting... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage02:49RUSHES: Tony Blair meets Colonel Gaddafi
colonel gaddafi interviewed by trevor mcdonald: part one; interview part 3 of 7 libya / tunisia border: int / tent colonel gaddafi interview with... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage03:19RUSHES: Colonel Gaddafi interviewed by Trevor McDonald: Part One
exterior shots of tony *blair*, british prime minister, walking with colonel gaddafi, libyan leader, before entering tent. tony blair visits colonel... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage00:46Tony Blair Visits Colonel Gaddafi
widespread fighting between rebels and pro-gaddafi forces; beyda: various of congregation kneeling at friday prayers in town square mustafa abdel... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage02:02Rebel uprising: widespread fighting between rebels and pro-Gaddafi forces
night shots of libyan's gathered in a square to celebrate the end of the gaddafi regime on october 25, 2011 in tripoli, libya. - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage01:19Celebrations after death of Colonel Gaddafi
colonel gaddafi speech at tunisian border; libya / tunisia border: ext colonel gaddafi in bulldozer pulling up man from crowd and greeting him /... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage04:43RUSHES: Colonel Gaddafi speech at Tunisian border
colonel gaddafi speech at tunisian border; libya / tunisia border: ext / dusk / night colonel gaddafi waiting on platform as crowd heaving and... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage03:08RUSHES: Colonel Gaddafi speech at Tunisian border
colonel gaddafi interviewed by trevor mcdonald: part one; interview part 4 of 7 libya / tunisia border: int / tent colonel gaddafi interview with... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage04:33RUSHES: Colonel Gaddafi interviewed by Trevor McDonald: Part One
colonel gaddafi interviewed by trevor mcdonald: part two / cutaways; interview part 7 of 7 libya / tunisia border: int / tent colonel gaddafi... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage03:53RUSHES: Colonel Gaddafi interviewed by Trevor McDonald: Part Two / cutaways
of libya's col. muammar gaddafi speaking during a press conference with austrian chancellor bruno kreisky in arabic. muammar muhammad abu minyar... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage00:17Leader of Libya Muammar Gaddafi during press conference
twilight at muammar gaddafi's seaside compound in tripoli / gaddafi with family, including wife safia and daughter aisha, and friends, relaxing and... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage00:52Muammar Gaddafi Home Movies - Family and friends relaxing at the beach
at gaddafi's desert retreat, armed young teenage boys greet each other, teen boy with ak-47 carries a young girl to gaddafi sitting in his tent, who... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage01:58Muammar Gaddafi Home Movies - family desert retreat outside Tripoli
arms find / libya: col gaddafi; libyan/ tunisian border gol muamar gaddafi standing at windsceen of bus waving reaches out of side window and shakes... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage01:40N Ireland: arms find / Libya: Col Gaddafi
tony blair visit; libya: sirte: int tony blair mp in tent with libyan leader, muammar gaddafi and they shake hands blair and gaddafi seated for... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage00:14Tony Blair visit
colonel gaddafi warns usa and nato not to get involved in conflict; libya: tripoli: ext colonel muammar gaddafi parading around in a golf car... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage02:16Rebel uprising: Colonel Gaddafi warns USA and NATO not to get involved in conflict
the first photo of moamer kadhafi shows the former libya strongman covered in blood. photograph emerges of apparently wounded kadhafi on october 20,... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage00:21Photograph emerges of apparently wounded Kadhafi
attack on libya; itn libya: tripoli: gaddafi hq: ext gv exterior of wrecked hq pull out as heaps of debris lying on ground & two men standing in f/g... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage00:43U.S. attack on Libya
colonel gaddafi death: analysis of gaddafi's reign; tx 10.4.2011 bab al-aziziyah compound: gaddafi standing up through sun roof of car as waves... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage00:05Colonel Gaddafi death: analysis of Gaddafi's reign
funerals held for victims; libya: benghazi: ashtabia: ext libyan men along at funerals of those killed in counter attacks by forces of colonel... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage00:43Rebel uprising: Funerals held for victims
tony blair meets colonel gaddafi; **warning flash photography* libya: tripoli: ext tony blair mp along from car / along and into tent to sit with... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage03:00RUSHES: Tony Blair meets Colonel Gaddafi
gvs of gaddafi's destroyed bab al-aziziya compound; libya: tripoli: ext bullet holes on walls of destroyed building int debris from weapons /... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage01:46RUSHES: GVs of Gaddafi's destroyed Bab al-Aziziya compound
new regime troops capture moamer kadhafi as they overrun the last pocket of resistance from loyalists in his hometown sirte, bringing their... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage02:48CLEAN: Kadhafi captured as hometown falls
aisha greets her father in his tent, kissing his hand and his cheek, she then greets man with an gun slung around his shoulder; he kisses her hand. - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage00:29Muammar Gaddafi Home Movies - family desert retreat outside Tripoli
twilight at muammar gaddafi's seaside compound in tripoli as family and friends relax, ride a jet ski and a pedal boat / gadaffi watches from the... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage01:32Muammar Gaddafi Home Movies - Family and friends relaxing at the beach
trump cancels summit with kim jong-un; lib / libya: tripoli: ext camel along as grazing outside tent int tony blair mp handshake with colonel gaddafi... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage00:19Trump cancels summit with Kim Jong-un
questions remain over deaths of gaddafi and his son mutassim and about the fate of his son saif; libya: misrata: ext / night live reporter to camera... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage01:58Questions remain over deaths of Gaddafi and his son Mutassim and about the fate of his son Saif
visit by british foreign office minister; itn libya: sirte int mike o'brien along thru tent to meet colonel muammar gaddafi gvs o'brien sitting... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage01:43Politics: Visit by British Foreign Office Minister
background; lib libya: slow motion colonel gaddafi wearing black robe and waving tx 24.3.2004/late - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage00:14Blair visit: background
tony blair meets colonel gaddafi; pool libya: nr tripoli: int tent prime minister tony blair mp along to shake hands with libyan leader colonel... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage03:31Tony Blair meets Colonel Gaddafi
up close; evening news: paul davies lib libya: ext slow motion libyan leader, colonel muammar gaddafi, holding up hands in jubilation and applauding... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage00:15Colonel Gadaffi: Up close
tony blair meets colonel gaddafi; pool libya: tripoli: ext tls british prime minister tony blair from plane & shakes hands with libyan prime minister... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage04:15Tony Blair meets Colonel Gaddafi
gaddafi at event to celebrate business ties with italy gaddafi asked by manyon his opinion on release of al-megrahi and manyon bustled away sot - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage00:27National celebrations on Fourtieth Anniversary of Coup; National celebrations on Fourtieth Anniversary of Coup
gaddafi rails against no-fly zone; libya: tripoli: ext sequence showing pro-gaddafi supporters gathered round grave in the martyrs' cemetery... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage01:30Rebel uprising: Gaddafi rails against no-fly zone
; c) libya: tripoli: ext colonel moammer khadaffi's bungalow r-l to desert tent pitched outside colonel khadaffi [muammar gaddafi] out of bungalow... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage01:20Libya detainees: Muammar Gaddafi interview
tony blair meets colonel gaddafi; libya: tripoli: int / car gvs along through streets as libyans line pavements - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage00:28RUSHES: Tony Blair meets Colonel Gaddafi
tony blair meets colonel gaddafi; libya: tripoli: ext tony blair mp along from plane steps / shaky camera meeting libyan officials / blair &... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage01:12RUSHES: Tony Blair meets Colonel Gaddafi
colonel gaddafi interview; libya: tripoli: int tent 2 shot norman rees and gaddafi cms colonel muammar gaddafi interview sof - trial concerning... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage00:43Colonel Gaddafi interview
gvs of gaddafi's destroyed bab al-aziziya compound; libya: tripoli: photos on wall - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage00:47RUSHES: GVs of Gaddafi's destroyed Bab al-Aziziya compound
gvs of gaddafi's destroyed bab al-aziziya compound; libya: tripoli: ext cars along / hole in wall zoom out damaged building / statue of fist crushing... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage04:35RUSHES: GVs of Gaddafi's destroyed Bab al-Aziziya compound
colonel gaddafi visits tunisian border; libya / tunisia border: ext bus slowly along through crowd - colonel gaddafi at front of bus waving to crowd... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage03:55RUSHES: Colonel Gaddafi visits Tunisian border
colonel gaddafi interviewed by trevor mcdonald: part two / cutaways; interview part 6 of 7 libya / tunisia border: int / tent colonel gaddafi... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage04:31RUSHES: Colonel Gaddafi interviewed by Trevor McDonald: Part Two / cutaways
after a momentous day which saw rebels storm colonel gaddafi's power base in tripoli, the question this morning is where is he ? last night thousands... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage04:56Rebels Storm Colonel Gaddafi's Compound
exterior shots of tony blair, british prime minister, & colonel gaddafi, libyan leader, entering tent and sitting chatting. tony blair visits colonel... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage00:34Tony Blair Visits Colonel Gaddafi
exterior shots of tony blair, british prime minister, walks and gives interview regarding his meeting with libyan leader colonel gaddafi. tony blair... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage01:26Tony Blair Discusses Gaddafi Meeting
the son of libya's strongman moamer kadhafi warned on monday the country would be destroyed by civil war if protests end his father's rule, in a... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage03:29CLEAN: Kadhafi's son warns of 'rivers of blood' in Libya
at gaddafi's seaside compound in tripoli, gadaffi helps daughter hana and another girl into life jackets, then watches as they wade into the sea.... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage02:27Muammar Gaddafi Home Movies - Family and friends relaxing at the beach
muammar gaddafi, family and guests relax and play at gaddafi's seaside compound in tripoli / safia gaddafi and daughter aisha sit on a patio as... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage00:44Muammar Gaddafi Home Movies - Family and friends relaxing at the beach
gaddafi with members of his entourage sitting by a small fire, two teen boys armed with an ak-47 and one with a sidearm walking and talking. - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage00:47Muammar Gaddafi Home Movies - family desert retreat outside Tripoli
eskund captain sentenced; libya: tripoli: col moammer gaddafi along r-l to bv to tent int / tent: cms gaddafi cms ditto eire ?: tms police & others... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage01:11Eskund captain sentenced
banks: funeral: demonstrations: hospital patients: gaddafi speech; reporter to camera / colonel gaddafi speech sot / women standing and chanting /... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage18:02Rebel uprising: Banks: Funeral: Demonstrations: Hospital patients: Gaddafi speech
david cameron press conference; prime minister of qatar question and answer session sot david cameron mp question and answer session sot - responds... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage16:24David Cameron press conference
aquila: barack obama, silvio berlusconi and colonel gaddafi sitting at g8 summit meeting - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage00:04Libyan convicted of Lockerbie bombing freed on compassionate grounds; Libyan convicted of Lockerbie bombing freed on compassionate grounds
fighting in east and west continues; libya: tripoli: int **flashlight photography** colonel muammar gaddafi through reception area of hotel... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage00:27Rebel uprising: fighting in east and west continues
shots of a street fight in tripoli, libya, august 2011 - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage00:28Shots of a street fight in Tripoli, Libya, August 2011
tony blair meets colonel gaddafi; **warning flash photography* libya: tripoli: ext gvs man carrying chair along, military man standing / bv tony... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage01:36RUSHES: Tony Blair meets Colonel Gaddafi
tony blair meets colonel gaddafi; **reporters vo over footage** libya: tripoli: ext gvs tent exterior / various of camels in herd / gvs tony blair mp... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage01:55RUSHES: Tony Blair meets Colonel Gaddafi
gvs of gaddafi's destroyed bab al-aziziya compound; libya: tripoli: ext cars along road, people at roadside - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage00:19RUSHES: GVs of Gaddafi's destroyed Bab al-Aziziya compound
colonel gaddafi visits tunisian border; libya / tunisia border: ext camera operator on roof / bus slowly along through crowd - colonel gaddafi at... - muammar gaddafi stock videos & royalty-free footage04:54RUSHES: Colonel Gaddafi visits Tunisian border