zambian president kenneth kaunda state visit to london; england: london: victoria station: train pulls alongside platform tms queen elizabeth ii,... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage02:33Zambian President Kenneth Kaunda state visit to London
lusaka: gv flags av exterior of church priests wait queen elizabeth ii and kenneth kaunda arrive with prince philip and prince andrew flag pole and... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage02:28Royal tour
leaders arrive in london:; b) england: london: ext kenneth kaunda arrival policeman with gun kenneth kaunda interview sot brian mulroney arriving and... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage00:53Commonwealth summit: Leaders arrive in London:
kenneth kaunda and princess royal attend freedom ceremony:; zambia: lusaka: ext president kenneth kaunda stands seated vip's princess mary, princess... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage00:31Zambia Independence: Kenneth Kaunda and Princess Royal attend Freedom Ceremony:
kenneth kaunda interview; england: london: lap : ext kenneth kaunda up plane steps - waves neg 16mm brenards 12 secs 8 ft 23/2/61/9.25pm spare print... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11Kenneth Kaunda interview
leaders arrive in london:; a) england: london: westminster: downing street: int margaret thatcher mp with brian mulroney london: malcolm fraser with... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage02:03Commonwealth summit: Leaders arrive in London:
demonstrators chant in support of iraqi president saddam hussein as he walks down a street in baghdad with zambian president kenneth kaunda. - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage00:17Demonstrators chant in support of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein as he walks down a street in Baghdad with Zambian President Kenneth Kaunda.
queen elizabeth ii silver jubilee: st paul's cathedral service; england: london: st paul's cathedral: princess anne and mark phillips departing... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage03:26Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee: St Paul's Cathedral Service
vips arrive at airport to attend the state funeral of sir winston churchill / seen are dwight eisenhower, west german chancellor ludwig erhard,... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage01:56VIPs arrive for Sir Winston Churchill's funeral
elections results; itn zambia, lusaka ext various of zambian president kenneth kaunda seated in a garden, interviewed by jeremy thorpe about... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage02:51Politics: Elections results
queen's canadian tour: day 6: fiji leaves commonwealth; itn canada: vancouver: four seasons: ext av top floor of hotel pull out traffic in street ext... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage03:20Queen's Canadian tour: Day 6: Fiji leaves Commonwealth
nelson mandela inauguration; itn south africa: pretoria: ext air government buildings track l-r lms soldiers standing by huge rolls of barbed wire... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage03:21Nelson Mandela inauguration
emmerson mnangagwa sworn in as president; zimbabwe: harare: ext emmerson mnangagwa waving to cheering crowds in sports stadium as walking to podium... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage03:23Emmerson Mnangagwa sworn in as president
commonwealth conference; zambia: lusaka: int kenneth kaunda interview sof: "that would be.................mankind." gv zanu press conference. edgar... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage02:30Commonwealth conference
lusaka: vcio lands and taxis r-l side wave locals gv crowd wave 3 soldiers l-r m s soldiers on top of building cms ceremonial gun 2nd nicholson sof:... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage03:02Royal Tour
kaunda at home; kenneth kaunda interview sot - we have now got air power, air cover from britain / we should have british troops not in zambia,... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage01:10ITN Reports: Zambia: Kaunda at home
kaunda at home; zambia: lusaka: int kenneth kaunda sitting at piano, with his wife betty kaunda and children gathered round as family singing psalm... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage01:47ITN Reports: Zambia: Kaunda at home
commonwealth conference; zambia: lusaka: queen pull out as group pose for photos before banquet margaret thatcher pull out as chats dignitaries walk... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage05:19Commonwealth conference
independence in zambia; zambia: lusaka: int interview with kenneth kaunda sot - zambian independence has brought about big change / bound to be... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage03:11ITN Reports: Independence in Zambia
british anti-apartheid coalition formed; zambia fw de klerk livingstone elect) & pik botha down steps ) tx 28.8.89 airport of saa boeing 737 & shake... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage00:08Politics: British Anti-Apartheid Coalition Formed
sanctions; interview rajiv gandhi, prime minister of india sof - 43 countries for and one against, hardly for the 43 to leave interview kenneth... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage02:26SOUTH AFRICA: Sanctions
dr. kenneth kaunda, prime minister of zambia; england: london: dorchester hotel: dr. kaunda: sof: - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage01:35Dr. Kenneth Kaunda, Prime Minister of Zambia
robert mugabe and joshua nkomo attend jason moyo's funeral; zambia: lusaka: cms zambian guard of honour at cathedral pan to steps as people up women... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage01:46Robert Mugabe and Joshua Nkomo attend Jason Moyo's funeral
nelson mandela visits zambia; zambia lusaka airport ext black girls in bright pink clothes dancing and singing sof cms ditto & girl with 'mandela... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage02:02Nelson Mandela visits Zambia
best of 1990 collection; t27029007 27.2.1990 - nelson mandela visits zambia zambia: lusaka airport: zambian girls in bright pink clothes dancing and... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage02:00Best of 1990 Collection
preparations for independence ceremony; zimbabwe : harare : ext man putting up flags outside large department store sign with slogan "salisbury:... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage02:41Preparations for independence ceremony
ugandan warlord dominic ongwen has pleaded not guilty to seventy counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity at the international criminal court - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage02:27VOICED : Survivors of the LRA divided over Ongwen trial
ugandan warlord dominic ongwen has pleaded not guilty to seventy counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity at the international criminal court - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage03:40CLEAN : Survivors of the LRA divided over Ongwen trial
shows interior close up shots former president of zambia kenneth kaunda, archbishop desmond tutu smiling and judge edwin cameron at aids event on... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage00:32Desmond Tutu at AIDS Event
shows interior shots archbishop desmond tutu hugging person before sitting down on stage alongside judge edwin cameron and former president of zambia... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage00:58Desmond Tutu at AIDS Event
shows interior shots archbishop desmond tutu giving speech soundbite on paying tribute to former president of zambia kenneth kaunda and zambia's help... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage01:47Desmond Tutu speaking at AIDS event
shows interior shots archbishop desmond tutu laughing and talking with former president of zambia kenneth kaunda and judge edwin cameron during photo... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage00:58Desmond Tutu meeting Edwin Cameron and Kenneth Kuanda
shows interior shots archbishop desmond tutu joking with judge edwin cameron and former president of zambia kenneth kaunda in front of the press on... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage00:33Desmond Tutu meeting Edwin Cameron and Kenneth Kuanda
president kenneth kaunda may mediate between anc and south african government: kenneth kaunda interview; zambia: lusaka: int kenneth kaunda interview... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage02:31RUSHES: President Kenneth Kaunda may mediate between ANC and South African government: Kenneth Kaunda interview
president kenneth kaunda may mediate between anc and south african government: kenneth kaunda interview; **slight interference in clip throughout**... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage03:44RUSHES: President Kenneth Kaunda may mediate between ANC and South African government: Kenneth Kaunda interview
president kenneth kaunda may mediate between anc and south african government: kenneth kaunda interview; zambia: lusaka: int kenneth kaunda interview... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage03:00RUSHES: President Kenneth Kaunda may mediate between ANC and South African government: Kenneth Kaunda interview
president kenneth kaunda may mediate between anc and south african government: kenneth kaunda interview; zambia: lusaka: int kenneth kaunda interview... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage00:50RUSHES: President Kenneth Kaunda may mediate between ANC and South African government: Kenneth Kaunda interview
president kenneth kaunda may mediate between anc and south african government: kenneth kaunda interview; **slight interference in clip throughout**... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage01:19RUSHES: President Kenneth Kaunda may mediate between ANC and South African government: Kenneth Kaunda interview
president kenneth kaunda may mediate between anc and south african government: kenneth kaunda interview; zambia: lusaka: int two shots kenneth kaunda... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage00:42RUSHES: President Kenneth Kaunda may mediate between ANC and South African government: Kenneth Kaunda interview
president kenneth kaunda may mediate between anc and south african government: kenneth kaunda interview; **slight interference in clip throughout**... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage04:45RUSHES: President Kenneth Kaunda may mediate between ANC and South African government: Kenneth Kaunda interview
president kenneth kaunda may mediate between anc and south african government: kenneth kaunda interview; zambia: lusaka: int kenneth kaunda interview... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage01:24RUSHES: President Kenneth Kaunda may mediate between ANC and South African government: Kenneth Kaunda interview
president kenneth kaunda may mediate between anc and south african government: kenneth kaunda interview; **slight interference in clip throughout**... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage01:40RUSHES: President Kenneth Kaunda may mediate between ANC and South African government: Kenneth Kaunda interview
president kenneth kaunda may mediate between anc and south african government: kenneth kaunda interview; zambia: lusaka: ext gvs city skyline in... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage01:34RUSHES: President Kenneth Kaunda may mediate between ANC and South African government: Kenneth Kaunda interview
central african conference:; england: london: int pan mr joshua nkomo, dr. hastings banda and mr kenneth kaunda seated: neg: 16mm: itn: 10secs: 6ft: - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage00:10Central African Conference:
prince charles and idi amin attend funeral of jomo kenyatta; kenya: nairobi: ext gvs kenneth kaunda along gvs joshua nkomo along prince charles,... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage01:07Prince Charles and Idi Amin attend funeral of Jomo Kenyatta
nelson mandela visits zambia; zambia: ext gvs crowds waiting / motorcade along - nelson mandela standing out top of car and waving alongside kenneth... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage03:16RUSHES: Nelson Mandela visits Zambia
northern rhodesia constitutional conference ends with date for independence set; ** digitised version of fs190564012 ** england: london: marlborough... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage03:26Northern Rhodesia Constitutional Conference ends with date for independence set
northern rhodesia constitutional conference ends with date for independence set; ** digitised version of fs190564011 ** england: london: marlborough... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage03:30Northern Rhodesia Constitutional Conference ends with date for independence set
northern rhodesia constitutional conference opens in london; b) contd. england: london: marlborough house: int kenneth kaunda addressing meeting sot... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage04:01Northern Rhodesia Constitutional Conference opens in London
northern rhodesia constitutional conference opens in london; b) england: london: marlborough house: int wide shots of delegates seated around meeting... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage01:18Northern Rhodesia Constitutional Conference opens in London
northern rhodesia constitutional conference opens in london; ** digitised version of fs050564016 ** a) england: london: marlborough house: int... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage00:15Northern Rhodesia Constitutional Conference opens in London
queen opens agricultural show in lusaka; zambia: lusaka: ext band towards bull led bull led foal led horses woman on dais cattle cms*-----kenneth... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage02:12Royal tour: Queen opens agricultural show in Lusaka
queen elizabeth ii silver jubilee: carriage procession and st paul's cathedral service; england: london: st paul's cathedral: int wide shot... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage03:46Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee: St Paul's Cathedral service
queen elizabeth ii silver jubilee: carriage procession and st paul's cathedral service; england: london: st paul's cathedral: pierre trudeau seated /... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage03:27Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee: St Paul's Cathedral service
queen elizabeth ii silver jubilee: carriage procession and st paul's cathedral service; england: london: st paul's cathedral: donald coggan sermon... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage01:35Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee: St Paul's Cathedral service
zambian students who were stuck in ukraine arrive at the kenneth kaunda international airport in lusaka, greeted by the country's foreign minister... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage01:44CLEAN : Zambian students evacuated from Ukraine arrive in Lusaka
li jie, chinese ambassador to zambia, and sylvia masebo, zambia's health minister, sign documents at the kenneth kaunda international airport on... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage00:23Zambia Receives New Batch Of Vaccines From China
li jie, chinese ambassador to zambia, and sylvia masebo, zambia's health minister, check a label on the box of china-donated covid-19 vaccines at the... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage00:12Zambia Receives New Batch Of Vaccines From China
day 10:; algeria: algiers airport: ext/night nose end plane on tarmac lms plane on tarmac r-l tv cameras and press wait tms side reporter asleep on... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage01:36Kuwait plane hijack: Day 10:
experience in chinese firm improving skills of young zambian engineer on september 15 in lusaka, zambia.a young zambian engineer who has been working... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage06:18Experience In Chinese Firm Improving Skills Of Young Zambian Engineer
batch of china's sinopharm vaccines arrived in zambia to be part of the southern african nation's basket of covid-19 vaccines. a plane of ethiopian... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage01:27Zambia Receives Chinese Vaccines In Fight Against COVID-19 Pandemic
zambia's founding leader kenneth kaunda is buried at the country's presidential burial site despite an 11th-hour bid by some of his relatives to... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage04:00CLEAN : Zambia's Kaunda laid to rest at presidential cemetery
zambia's founding president kenneth kaunda ruled for 27 years from independence from britain in 1964. he died on june 17 aged 97 - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage01:44CLEAN : PROFILE: Kenneth Kaunda, former Zambian president
mourners arrive at church to attend the funeral service for zambia’s founding president kenneth kaunda - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage01:00CLEAN : Funeral service for Zambia's founding president Kenneth Kaunda begins
the church service and burial of the first president of zambia, kenneth kaunda on july 7, 2021 in lusaka, zambia. the church service was held at the... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage04:38Funeral For Founding President Of Zambia, Kenneth Kaunda, In Lusaka.
the presidents of zambia, south africa and ghana pay tribute to the late kenneth kaunda, ex-president of zambia. current president edgar lungu hails... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage02:01CLEAN : Presidents of Zambia, South Africa and Ghana pay tribute to late Kenneth Kaunda
dignitaries including the british minister for africa and commonwealth secretary general speak at a memorial ceremony for zambia's first president... - kenneth kaunda stock videos & royalty-free footage03:50CLEAN : UK minister pays tribute to 'valued friend' Kaunda at memorial in Zambia