passing over fort benning - aerial view - georgia, chattahoochee county, united states - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:04Passing Over Fort Benning - Aerial View - Georgia, Chattahoochee County, United States
shot of lt william calley arriving at fort benning's courthouse for a hearing into the my lai massacre. - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11Shot of Lt William Calley arriving at Fort Benning's courthouse for a hearing into the My Lai massacre.
president franklin d roosevelt in convertible observes paratroopers training. - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:33President Franklin D Roosevelt Visits Fort Benning
ws aerial view of fort benning / georgia, united states - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:24WS AERIAL View of Fort Benning / Georgia, United States
"georgia" superimposed over moving line of army tanks with bright headlights at night / tanks passing camera / tanks moving through brush and... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:41Army tanks plow through brush during maneuvers at Fort Benning, Georgia
"news flashes! - troops at fort benning, ga. learn how to escape air attack" / soldiers on foot, then wagons, then more on foot move down road toward... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:31Troops at Fort Benning, Georgia practice escaping air attack in 1932
soldiers of the 29th regiment regular army out of fort benning, ga soldiers jump off small platform as parachutist and parachute are hoisted of tower... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:30Soldiers practice jumps during paratrooper training at the Safe Parachute Company
tanks driving quickly over field in second armored division in training camp / fort benning, georgia, united states - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:171951 MONTAGE Tanks driving quickly over field in Second Armored Division in training camp / Fort Benning, Georgia, United States
soldiers training with wooden gun / tanks driving / soldiers in practice combat - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:171951 MONTAGE Second Armored Division in training camp / Fort Benning, Georgia, United States
fort benning sign / troops marching / troops in training with wooden guns / trucks with tank signs on them - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:151951 MONTAGE Second Armored Division in training camp / Fort Benning, Georgia, United States
"'hand me down the silver trumpet gabriel'" / two shots of chorus singing "hand me down the silver trumpet gabriel," one chorus member in front... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:30US Army African-American chorus singing in woods at Ft. Benning, Georgia
"musical army in mass song attack, ft benning, ga - troops of 24th us infantry form in woodland for choral exercises" / african-american military... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage01:09US Army African-American chorus in woods at Ft. Benning, Georgia
shots of george latimer, lt william calley's attorney speaking to journalists at fort benning. - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:19Shots of George Latimer, Lt William Calley's attorney speaking to journalists at Fort Benning.
sequence showing troops training at a simulated vietnamese village at fort benning, georgia. - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:58Sequence showing troops training at a simulated Vietnamese village at Fort Benning, Georgia.
shots of the military courtroom at fort benning where lt william calley will be tried for his alleged actions during the my lai massacre in vietnam. - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:26Shots of the military courtroom at Fort Benning where Lt William Calley will be tried for his alleged actions during the My Lai massacre in Vietnam.
sequence showing troops training at a simulated vietnamese village at fort benning, georgia. - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:37Sequence showing troops training at a simulated Vietnamese village at Fort Benning, Georgia.
sequence showing scenes at fort benning, a us army base in georgia. - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:29Sequence showing scenes at Fort Benning, a US army base in Georgia.
in this handout footage provided by u.s. department of defense, u.s army soldiers basic training at fort benning, georgia - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage02:10U.S Army soldiers basic training at Fort Benning, Georgia
in this handout footage provided by u.s. department of defense, u.s army soldiers basic training at fort benning, georgia - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage02:01U.S Army soldiers basic training at Fort Benning, Georgia
hunt master throws scraps to pack of dogs as mounted hunters look on / two african-american men wearing military uniforms blow bugles / dogs and... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:48Fox hunting at Fort Benning, Georgia, in 1930s
large group of us soldiers on white horses on field with artillery guns, some ride off pulling the artillery, other soldiers ride in with teams of... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:37Light field artillery demonstration in Georgia in late 1929
carrier aircraft flying overhead. vs cadets jumping out of back of airplane w/ parachutes deploying over fort benning jump school, cadets parachuting... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:161963: UNITED STATES AIR FORCE ACADEMY: LA WS Carrier aircraft flying overhead. VS Cadets jumping out of back of airplane w/ parachutes deploying over Fort Benning Jump School, cadets parachuting down. US Army, Georgia
group of soldiers sitting being told about construction of pontoon bridge / soldiers laying wood slats to build bridge across boats / completed... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:52United States Army builds a bridge at Fort Benning, Georgia
soldiers in field load artillery rounds into bazookas and 57mm rifle / shoulder-held gun is fired next to artillery gun / soldier reloads while he... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:31Army Unveils New No Kick Artillery
fort benning, ga, paratroopers jump from three planes / brigadier general ridgely gaither points to the 100,000th paratrooper in sky / paratrooper... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:32100,000th Paratrooper Trained At Fort Benning
fort benning, ga, sky is full of hundreds of paratroopers / troopers jump from plane / as troopers fall their chutes open / trooper lands on rocky... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:38Salute The Paratrooper
headquarters sign of 503rd parachute infantry / montage of soldiers march at fort benning / montage of soldiers riding on zip lines training to be... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage01:23Army Paratroopers Training And Jumping From Planes
montage, cherry blossoms near the potomac river with the washington monument in the background, jefferson memorial with cherry blossom tree in the... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:40Servicewomen Admire Potomac Cherry Blossoms, Fort Benning Easter Service
wide outdoor shots of soldiers in rows checking their equipment near a building / shots of a soldier who checks the paratroopers uniforms and gear /... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:42African-American Paratroopers In Training
bugler near dog tent / paratroopers train five para-pooch puppies / puppies in soldiers' pockets and trousers / paratroopers and puppy jump from... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:56Dog Paratroopers
first graduating class of canadian paratroopers train on american soil at fort benning army parachutist school / montage of canadian graduates... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:56Canadian Paratroopers Graduate
supreme court justice frank murphy exits jeep and walks up stairs wearing military uniform / murphy salutes and shakes hands with officer / murphy... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:26Supreme Court Justice Murphy Takes Up Active Duty
shots of parachute drills at fort benning / long shots of men jumping out of planes / shots of parachutes opening and men floating through sky /... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage01:20Successful Parachutist Training
shots of planes taking off for parachute drills / planes on runway / shots of planes taking off from runway / close shots of equipment thrown out... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:41Parachutists Execute Mass Demonstrations With Precision
shots of soldiers of the 501st battalion march in formation down trail / medium shot of soldiers wearing parachutes walking towards transport plane /... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:55Parachutists in US Army 501st Battalion Prepare For Demonstration
paratroopers prepare to make their first jumps from c-47 skytrains. - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage01:28Universal Newsreel: paratroopers prepare to make their first jumps from C-47 Skytrains.
the 501st parachute battalion participates in a training manoeuvre at fort benning. - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage01:05Universal Newsreel - The 501st parachute battalion participates in a training manoeuvre at Fort Benning.
french officers marching toward and past camera / french officer gives command / french officers present arms / french officer salutes / commanding... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage02:01French officers train at Fort Benning, GA, during World War II
puppy in helmet, another puppy standing beside helmet / pup in helmet / soldiers approaching tent, picking up puppies / soldiers putting puppies in... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:48Paratroop puppies have their first training jumps at Fort Benning, GA
ws aerial view of fort benning / georgia, united states - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:08WS AERIAL View of Fort Benning / Georgia, United States
ms aerial view of army tanks at fort benning / georgia, united states - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:07MS AERIAL View of Army tanks at Fort Benning / Georgia, United States
ws aerial view of army truck stand of fort benning / georgia, united states - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:06WS AERIAL View of Army truck stand of Fort Benning / Georgia, United States
ws aerial view of old plane model at fort benning / georgia, united states - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:07WS AERIAL View of Old plane model at Fort Benning / Georgia, United States
mexican soldiers march past two-story barracks with smoking chimneys; the men turn and walk forward with a drill instructor at left / the men... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage01:36Mexican-born soldiers train at Fort Benning during World War II
[montgomery, al] pres. franklin d. roosevelt's car in bkgd driving past cadets doing a tug of war in fgd at maxwell air force base / vs cadets doing... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:46Pres. Franklin Roosevelt visits Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, AL and Fort Benning in Columbus, GA
u.s. army infantry school training, fort benning, georgia - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:27U.S. Army Infantry School training, Fort Benning, Georgia
drill sargent roman was running a training exercise when he noticed something odd with one of his soldiers. he eventually approached the seemingly... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage03:37Drill Sargent Discovers Sleeping Solider
drill sergeant jimmy wayne mayo says he plays monster to recruits at fort benning, georgia for three days and then settles them down. - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:24Drill Sergeant Jimmy Wayne Mayo says he plays monster to recruits at Fort Benning, Georgia for three days and then settles them down.
new recruits receive olive drab clothing, do calisthenics, and march at training camp at fort benning, georgia. - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11New recruits receive olive drab clothing, do calisthenics, and march at training camp at Fort Benning, Georgia.
soldiers firing a shell at a tank cut to tank with explosion in foreground - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:04US Army soldier trainess practice combat
soldiers doing situps dolly shot soldiers doing mountain climbers - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:04Soldier trainees exercise at Fort Benning
explosions in field / armored car hatch and firing / explosions in field / armored cars driving across field and followed by man on motorcycle, tree... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:52Armored car, airplane and bomb maneuvers in Fort Benning, Georgia in December 1935
two shots of us military academy cadets standing on tank looking at it, other cadets standing next to it during visit to fort benning / three shots... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:28West Point Cadets visit Infantry School at Ft. Benning in Georgia and watch performance of US Army tanks
aviator roscoe turner / plane gilmore red lion at fort benning airport / propellers / plane takeoff / note: exact day not known - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:21Roscoe Turner flies
soldiers jump out of an airplane. - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11Soldiers jump out of an airplane.
a c-130 prepares for takeoff. - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:19A C-130 prepares for takeoff.
soldiers jump out of an airplane. - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11Soldiers jump out of an airplane.
a c-130 prepares to takeoff. - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:10A C-130 prepares to takeoff.
a soldier fires an m16 at a firing range. - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:13A soldier fires an M16 at a firing range.
a soldier prepares to fire an m16 at a firing range. - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:10A soldier prepares to fire an M16 at a firing range.
soldiers crawl across a field at night while training at fort benning, georgia. - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:30Soldiers crawl across a field at night while training at Fort Benning, Georgia.
"tank in rough!! new christie war machine tested at fort benning, ga" / shots of a speeding tracked vehicle rolling over lumber obstacles and riding... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:25Speedy tank tested at Fort Benning, GA
in this handout footage provided by u.s. department of defense, the fort benning garrison command officially signed into effect a mutual aid... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:10Official signing mutual aid agreement between military and civilian personnel
in this handout footage provided by u.s. department of defense, the fort benning garrison command officially signed into effect a mutual aid... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:04Sheriff waiting at entrance to room at Fort Benning Garrison Command
in this handout footage provided by u.s. department of defense, the fort benning garrison command officially signed into effect a mutual aid... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:04Sheriff attends mutual aid agreement meeting at Fort Benning
in this handout footage provided by u.s. department of defense, the fort benning garrison command officially signed into effect a mutual aid... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:06Representatives attend mutual aid agreement meeting at Fort Benning
in this handout footage provided by u.s. department of defense, the fort benning garrison command officially signed into effect a mutual aid... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:07Representatives attend mutual aid agreement meeting at Fort Benning
in this handout footage provided by u.s. department of defense, the fort benning garrison command officially signed into effect a mutual aid... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:06Official signing mutual aid agreement between military and civilian personnel
in this handout footage provided by u.s. department of defense, the fort benning garrison command officially signed into effect a mutual aid... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:04Police and military attend mutual aid agreement signing at Fort Benning
in this handout footage provided by u.s. department of defense, the fort benning garrison command officially signed into effect a mutual aid... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:07Official signing mutual aid agreement between military and civilian personnel
in this handout footage provided by u.s. department of defense, the fort benning garrison command officially signed into effect a mutual aid... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:05Soldier speaking to officials at signing of mutual aid agreement Fort Benning
in this handout footage provided by u.s. department of defense, the fort benning garrison command officially signed into effect a mutual aid... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:05Sheriff signing mutual aid agreement between military and civilian personnel
in this handout footage provided by u.s. department of defense, the fort benning garrison command officially signed into effect a mutual aid... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:05Police and military personnel shake hands at signing of mutual aid agreement
in this handout footage provided by u.s. department of defense, the fort benning garrison command officially signed into effect a mutual aid... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:06Military personnel attend signing of mutual aid agreement at Fort Benning
in this handout footage provided by u.s. department of defense, the fort benning garrison command officially signed into effect a mutual aid... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:06Sheriff signing mutual aid agreement between military and civilian personnel
army wields latest weapons in mimic war, regular troops, with tanks and planes, hold spring maneuvers at fort benning, ga" / column of soldiers... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage02:13US Army holding maneuvers at Fort Benning in Georgia in 1931
"sportsmen rally for big fox hunt, fort benning, ga - officers and ladies at infantry school ride to hounds in woodland chase" / men and women riding... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage01:14US Army officers and some women go on fox hunt at Ft. Benning, GA
in this handout footage provided by u.s. department of defense, donald j trump and first lady melania trump landed at fort benning's lawson army... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:10Armed soldiers on guard as Air Force One lands at Fort Benning
in this handout footage provided by u.s. department of defense, donald j trump and first lady melania trump landed at fort benning's lawson army... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:06Air Force One taxiing at Fort Benning's Lawson Army Airfield
in this handout footage provided by u.s. department of defense, donald j trump and first lady melania trump landed at fort benning's lawson army... - fort benning stock videos & royalty-free footage00:10Donald Trump speaking with military personnel at Fort Benning airfield