The Battle of Spion Kop, Tugela River, Natal, South Africa, 23–24 January 1900 during the second Boer War. From The Century Edition of Cassell's...The Battle of Spion Kop, Tugela River, Natal, South Africa, 23–24 January 1900 during the second Boer War
The dead lying on the battle field of Spioen Kop. | Location: Spion Kop, South Africa.Battlefield of Spion Kop
The Battle of Spion Kop, Boer War, South Africa, 1900 . From Cassell's History of England, Vol. IX,The Battle of Spion Kop
View from Spion Kop, South Africa, 2nd Boer War, 1901. 'Scene of Buller's terrific battles, Tugela River and Zwartz Kop from Spion Kop. Looking...View from Spion Kop, South Africa, 2nd Boer War, 1901. Artist: Underwood & Underwood
South slope of Spion Kop, South Africa, Boer War, 1901. In January 1900, the hill of Spion Kop was the scene of a major defeat for the British army...South slope of Spion Kop, South Africa, Boer War, 1901.Artist: Underwood & Underwood
Spion Kop, from a Boer trench on Krantz Kloot, South Africa, 1901. Stereoscopic card. In January 1900, the hill of Spion Kop was the scene of a major...Spion Kop, from a Boer trench on Krantz Kloot, South Africa, 1901. Artist: Underwood & Underwood
Dead Boers on the battlefield of Spion Kop during the South African Wars , or Boer Wars. The Boers were defeated here January 24th 1900.Spion Kop
Corpses of British soldiers in a trench on the battlefield at Spion Kop, during the second Boer War.Corpses In Trench
'The Defence of Spion Kop', January 1900, . The Boers defeat the British in South Africa. From "Cassell's History of England, Vol. IX". [Cassell and...The Defence Of Spion Kop J
The Imperial Light Horse at Waggon Hill, January 6, 1900', circa 1900. The South African Light Horse, a regiment of the British Army, was formed in...The Imperial Light Horse At Waggon Hill
spion kop memorial and graves from boer war, kwa-zulu natal, cape peninsula, south africa. - spion kop battlefield stock pictures, royalty-free photos & imagesSpion Kop memorial and graves from Boer War, Kwa-Zulu Natal, Cape Peninsula, South Africa.
memorial cross to battle at spion kop, kwa-zulu natal, cape peninsula, south africa - spion kop battlefield stock pictures, royalty-free photos & imagesMemorial cross to battle at Spion Kop, Kwa-Zulu Natal, Cape Peninsula, South Africa
Vintage postcard illustration featuring the Battle of Spion Kop during the Second Boer War which resulted in a Boer victory on 23rd January 1900.Battle Of Spion Kop - Second Boer War