Simple trailer scraper is used to level out the excavation in a borrow pit that will later become a holding pond for rain runoff on the Edmonton ring...A simple trailer scraper is used to level out the excavation in a borrow pit that will later become a holding pond for rain runoff on the Edmonton ring road, Alberta, Canada
Simple trailer scraper is used to level out the excavatiuon in a borrow pit that will later become a holding pond for rain runoff on the Edmonton...A simple trailer scraper is used to level out the excavatiuon in a borrow pit that will later become a holding pond for rain runoff on the Edmonton ring road
"Instrumentum Scriptorium with Letter and Diptych, by unknown artist, 45-79, 1st Century A.D., ripped fresco, 11 x 28 cm Italy, Campania, Naples,..."Instrumentum Scriptorium with Letter and Diptych, by unknown artist, 45-79, 1st Century A.D., ripped fresco, 11 x 28 cm"
Surgical and cosmetic instruments: Diocles' scraper at the top right, invented by the School of Medicine of Ephesus, artefacts uncovered in Ephesus,...Diocles' scraper at top right
Neolithic stone scraper, one of the oldest artifacts to be found in the region, United Arab Emirates. Neolithic. C 5000 BC. Habshan, Abu Dhabi.Neolithic stone scraper, one of the oldest artifacts to be found in the region
Prehistory, France, Paleolithic - Stone tools: scraper, burin, gimlet, bifacial points.France, Stone tools including scraper, burin, gimlet and bifacial points
Prehistory, Japan, Final Jomon period - Scraper from Akita.Italy, Rome, Museo Nazionale d'Arte Orientale, Scraper from Akita
Prehistory, France, Paleolithic - Stone tools: scraper, burin, gimlet, bifacial points.France, Stone tools including scraper, burin, gimlet and bifacial points
Archeologist Kevin O'Dell of ACR consultants holds a stone scraper made by an American Indian and collected from a coal-bed methane site, November...Archeologist Kevin O'Dell of ACR consultants holds a stone s