Alex Jones (Sandy Hook Civil Trials) - (Day 5) - DR. ROY LUBIT - FORENSIC PSYCHIATRIST - DIRECT

TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXAS - AUGUST 1: 11:46:32 Neil and, um It's called complex PTSD. Um, which assaults into called Decimus disorders of extreme stress, not otherwise specified. It's this the PTSD that comes from having chronic Let's begin a war zone being an abused child. Where it's not one simply one incidents such as the trade center car accident. Someone. Hits you in the bar. It's Constant draining threat and anxiety, and the amount of anxiety they have is extremely high. Constant are using the term anxiety because that's the medical term. But it's more like in some ways to say they're terrified. Um, please. Scarlet doesn't use the because she's scared that the noise or prevent it from hearing something she needs to hear to protect the safety. Um She constantly works, um, middle of the nice without texting her staff. She's just She's dropped most of her Okay. Thank you. General activity start to write doesn't chance of polish goes out on the boat is going to be texting people. And the reason that she's working So intensely. It's the block out. The fear and the pain. Um, this This is something that happens to traumatize people. I've seen it before. There is just so things are so painful and you block it out just constantly making yourself busy. I want to be clear. Friends. All of the fear that they're living in all of the steps that they're taking protect themselves. All. People are experiencing in a negative way. None of those are from The murder of Jesse. Drugs stemming from Alex Jones. Correct? Yes, they were both doing much much better before. Um Jones started focusing and attacking much more strongly, which occurred after will went on Megan Kelly and said No, this actually happened. My son was killed. I hope my son, um, for the bulletins, uh, bullet hole in his head. Um, that's where it was kind of shocking to me that the how One of the media people who said it couldn't have happened. Didn't think of that. There wasn't any (Footage by Law&Crime via Getty Images)
TRAVIS COUNTY, TEXAS - AUGUST 1: 11:46:32 Neil and, um It's called complex PTSD. Um, which assaults into called Decimus disorders of extreme stress, not otherwise specified. It's this the PTSD that comes from having chronic Let's begin a war zone being an abused child. Where it's not one simply one incidents such as the trade center car accident. Someone. Hits you in the bar. It's Constant draining threat and anxiety, and the amount of anxiety they have is extremely high. Constant are using the term anxiety because that's the medical term. But it's more like in some ways to say they're terrified. Um, please. Scarlet doesn't use the because she's scared that the noise or prevent it from hearing something she needs to hear to protect the safety. Um She constantly works, um, middle of the nice without texting her staff. She's just She's dropped most of her Okay. Thank you. General activity start to write doesn't chance of polish goes out on the boat is going to be texting people. And the reason that she's working So intensely. It's the block out. The fear and the pain. Um, this This is something that happens to traumatize people. I've seen it before. There is just so things are so painful and you block it out just constantly making yourself busy. I want to be clear. Friends. All of the fear that they're living in all of the steps that they're taking protect themselves. All. People are experiencing in a negative way. None of those are from The murder of Jesse. Drugs stemming from Alex Jones. Correct? Yes, they were both doing much much better before. Um Jones started focusing and attacking much more strongly, which occurred after will went on Megan Kelly and said No, this actually happened. My son was killed. I hope my son, um, for the bulletins, uh, bullet hole in his head. Um, that's where it was kind of shocking to me that the how One of the media people who said it couldn't have happened. Didn't think of that. There wasn't any (Footage by Law&Crime via Getty Images)

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Editorial #:
Law&Crime Network
Date created:
August 01, 2022
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Travis County, Texas, United States
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QuickTime 8-bit H.264 HD 1920x1080 29.97p
Law&Crime Network
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