Red jelly with cherry flavor on white background - stock photo

A red piece of gelatin is molded and sitting in the middle of the image over a slightly off-white background. The light is shining on the mold, casting highlights and shadows. The mold is shaped like a flower and has smooth sides.
A red piece of gelatin is molded and sitting in the middle of the image over a slightly off-white background. The light is shining on the mold, casting highlights and shadows. The mold is shaped like a flower and has smooth sides.
Red jelly with cherry flavor on white background
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Getty ImagesRed Jelly With Cherry Flavor On White Background High-Res Stock PhotoRed Jelly With Cherry Flavor On White Background High-Res Stock PhotoDownload premium, authentic Red jelly with cherry flavor on white background stock photos from Getty Images. Explore similar high-resolution stock photos in our expansive visual catalogue.Product #:182512812
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