Portrait of a young cheerful woman with red lips and curly hair in a knitted sweater laughing and holding a red Christmas ball covering her eyes with it against the background of a Christmas decorated Christmas tree at a holiday in December at home - stock photo
Portrait of a young cheerful woman with red lips and curly hair in a knitted sweater laughing and holding a red Christmas ball
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Getty ImagesPortrait Of A Young Cheerful Woman With Red Lips And Curly Hair In A Knitted Sweater Laughing And Holding A Red Christmas Ball Covering Her Eyes With It Against The Background Of A Christmas Decorated Christmas Tree At A Holiday In December At Home High-Res Stock PhotoDownload premium, authentic Portrait of a young cheerful woman with red lips and curly hair in a knitted sweater laughing and holding a red Christmas ball covering her eyes with it against the background of a Christmas decorated Christmas tree at a holiday in December at home stock photos from Getty Images. Explore similar high-resolution stock photos in our expansive visual catalogue.Product #:1651252836