An enchanting Christmas scene with children joyfully building a snowman surrounded by wrapped gifts under a gentle snowfall, capturing the excitement and celebration of the December holiday season. - stock photo

An enchanting Christmas scene with children joyfully building a snowman surrounded by wrapped gifts under a gentle snowfall, capturing the excitement and celebration of the December holiday season.
An enchanting Christmas scene with children joyfully building a snowman surrounded by wrapped gifts under a gentle snowfall, capturing the excitement and celebration of the December holiday season.
An enchanting Christmas scene with children joyfully building a snowman surrounded by wrapped gifts under a gentle snowfall, capturing the excitement and celebration of the December holiday season.
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Getty ImagesAn Enchanting Christmas Scene With Children Joyfully Building A Snowman Surrounded By Wrapped Gifts Under A Gentle Snowfall Capturing The Excitement And Celebration Of The December Holiday Season High-Res Stock PhotoAn Enchanting Christmas Scene With Children Joyfully Building A Snowman Surrounded By Wrapped Gifts Under A Gentle Snowfall Capturing The Excitement And Celebration Of The December Holiday Season High-Res Stock PhotoDownload premium, authentic An enchanting Christmas scene with children joyfully building a snowman surrounded by wrapped gifts under a gentle snowfall, capturing the excitement and celebration of the December holiday season. stock photos from Getty Images. Explore similar high-resolution stock photos in our expansive visual catalogue.Product #:2182672207
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