World's champion watches Washington baby cue wizard perform with ivories ca. 1927

Just reaching his sixth birthday and barely able to see over the table, Andrew M. Dargan, son of a Washington [...] pool room owner, is amazing pocket billiard expert with his mastery of intricate shots on the green cloth. He is shown in this photograph taking a few pointers from Irwin Rudolph, world's champion at pocket billiards who is in Washington for an exhibition. (Photo by: Hum Images/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
Just reaching his sixth birthday and barely able to see over the table, Andrew M. Dargan, son of a Washington [...] pool room owner, is amazing pocket billiard expert with his mastery of intricate shots on the green cloth. He is shown in this photograph taking a few pointers from Irwin Rudolph, world's champion at pocket billiards who is in Washington for an exhibition. (Photo by: Hum Images/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
World's champion watches Washington baby cue wizard perform with ivories ca. 1927
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Universal Images Group
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