Dadsthree098_mac.jpg Yearbook day, Julia shows her dad the high school yearbook that came out today, she flips to a picture of herself to show him. Her brother Will looks on. A little basketball keep away, Clyde Long sprints away for his two teen

dadsthree098_mac.jpg Yearbook day, Julia shows her dad the high school yearbook that came out today, she flips to a picture of herself to show him. Her brother Will looks on. A little basketball keep away, Clyde Long sprints away for his two teenage kids. Clyde Long with his two kids 17 year old Julia and 13 year old Will. Living cover story on busy dads who somehow find time to spend quality time with their children. 6/4/03 in Lafayette. MICHAEL MACOR / The Chronicle (Photo By MICHAEL MACOR/The San Francisco Chronicle via Getty Images)
dadsthree098_mac.jpg Yearbook day, Julia shows her dad the high school yearbook that came out today, she flips to a picture of herself to show him. Her brother Will looks on. A little basketball keep away, Clyde Long sprints away for his two teenage kids. Clyde Long with his two kids 17 year old Julia and 13 year old Will. Living cover story on busy dads who somehow find time to spend quality time with their children. 6/4/03 in Lafayette. MICHAEL MACOR / The Chronicle (Photo By MICHAEL MACOR/The San Francisco Chronicle via Getty Images)
Dadsthree098_mac.jpg  Yearbook day, Julia shows her dad the high school yearbook that came out today, she flips to a picture of herself to show him. Her brother Will looks on. A little basketball keep away, Clyde Long sprints away for his two teen
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Hearst Newspapers
Date created:
June 06, 2003
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